EVA Re-dedicates Village Plaza and Fountain

The 10th Annual Open Streets kicked off with the rededication of the Emory Village plaza which over the past ten years has become a popular gathering place for neighbors and everything from marriage proposals to rock concerts. 

The sculpture that stands over the fountain was fashioned from old trolley rails that were excavated when the streets were reconfigured for the roundabout more than a decade ago.  

Honored at the re-dedication were Charles Calhoun, the scuptor, and his family; as well as Mary Kelly, wife of the late Ted Kelly, who originally donated the fountain. Both the Calhoun family and Mrs. Kelly made donations to the ongoing upkeep of the fountain. 

Emory Village Alliance chair Todd Hill presented them both with his pen-and-ink sketch of the fountain and sculpture. A signed copy of the sketch is a thank-you gift for your tax-deductible donation to EVA.