North Oxford Undergoing Streetscape Makeover
The northern part of Oxford Road between Chase Bank and Cava’s is becoming markedly safer, more pedestrian friendly, handicapped accessible, attractive, and consistent with the Emory Village Overlay design standards.
The Emory Village Alliance (EVA) initiated the proposed streetscape redesign, created by landscape architect Todd Hill, DTJ Design, who also designed the popular gathering place known as Emory Village Plaza. In January DeKalb County funded and began implementing the plan. .
Running from 1385 Oxford to 1401 Oxford Road, the new streetscape will realign the sidewalk and parking, providing space for wide tree-and-landscape-lined sidewalks and parallel parking. Benches, bike rack and a streetlights will also be added. The look and feel will be similar to the rest of the Village which was redeveloped over the past 17 years, thanks to the efforts of EVA, DeKalb County, Emory University, the Atlanta Regional Commissioner, and scores of local individuals and families.
The project targets a long-neglected strip that fronts Chase Bank, Buffalo Wild Wings and Chipotle, plus frontage to a former barber shop and a house currently for sale by Blanchard Real Estate. The area for many years had posed a significant hazard to pedestrians, who have had to walk around cars and onto the street to continue down Oxford, and to bicyclists