EVA Seeking Emory Students to Serve on Village Board of Directors
The Emory Village Alliance (EVA) seeks applicants for two Emory student positions to represent the interests of students on the EVA Board of Directors.
The Emory Village Alliance is a non-profit organization which strives to promote the economic viability of Emory Village and a sense of community among its neighbors. EVA seeks Emory student candidates for one Graduate Student and one Undergraduate Student on its Board of Directors. Responsibilities of the volunteer positions include:
Provide input to the planning of Board activities and assistance with their implementation
Represent the needs and preferences of Emory graduate/undergraduate students in discussions regarding EVA activities and priorities
Keep the Board informed about scheduled campus activities that could have an impact on the Village
Qualifications include:
Willing and able to commit to attending one-hour monthly Board meetings for a minimum of one school year
Willing and able to commit to assisting with planning and/or implementation of one or more Board-sponsored/supported activities in the Village
Energetic, civic-minded
Good communication skills
How to Apply:
For more information or to apply to this position, send a message by Friday, March 8, 2024, to eva@emoryvillage.org with “EVA Student Board position” in the memo.
Interested applicants should include a resume and cover letter.